It was good to see van Persie on the scoresheet for Holland against Russia during the pointless international friendlies last night. Let's hope we see more of this throughout the coming season for Arsenal.I've always argued that he was Arsenal's most talented player but injury has plagued his career.

On a different note I'm a little non-plussed about the signing of Silvestre the Cat. A lot of Gooners are questioning why the likes of Pires and Campbell didn't get the two year contract that the new acquisition has received. Silvestre has suggested on ATVO that he isn't coming to sit on the bench and that he'll play CB but how will this affect the development of most importantly Djourou but also Senderos?

I guess beggars can't be choosers and when Gooners moan that we have no depth and that any depth we do have is largely inexperienced, this should be seen as an intelligent addition to the squad. But will Gooners be able to forgive and forget his previous 9 seasons as a Red Devil?